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لأسعار والتسليم

Fees and Offers


Al Ata offers the best services by experts and academics at the best prices. The customer service department evaluates the work and communicates the cost according to the nature of the service.


Editing and translation offer

Pricing is calculated according to the number of pages and the number of words on each page. It also depends on the language used, whether it is a general language, related to humanities, or a specialized language.

Also we take into account is the time of delivery, whether regular or urgent.

The  number of words on each page is 250 words rather than 200 words, and this saves the customers’ money and provides 20% discount.




Proofreading and editing: The file should be sent to customer service so as to specify the price, according to the required task:

1-Proofreading: Correcting spelling and grammatical mistakes

2- Editing: Reviewing the style of writing to ensure coherence and cohesion.


Note: We are entitled to reject any work that includes many mistakes, which were hard to correct within a time framework.









Free cost evaluation


We offer a free cost evaluation for our valued customers, after determining the type of service. Please contact us to provide you with the evaluation


Suggestions and Comments

تم استلام الرسالة وسنقوم بالرد عليك في اقرب وقت ممكن خلال 48 ساعة

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